a front-end and mobile application developer.
Mehmet Konukçu
React Query
Tailwind CSS
Framer Motion
React Hook Form

On the 12th day of July 2001, Mehmet, who was born to pursue and achieve his dreams, is me. I was born in Aksaray and I am a 3rd year student at Konya Technical University, Department of Software Engineering. Since I was too lazy to enter and update my age every year, I added an instant counter; I have been alive for .

Let me start with my hobbies and things I like to do; I love taking photos, researching new technology, learning new information, traveling and seeing new places. I love writing code, it's my job :) I am happy when I help someone, I am always trying to add knowledge to my knowledge and strength to my strength.

Let me talk about the aspects of myself that I have discovered. I am determined, when I start a job, I never leave it unfinished, if I leave it, I feel very uncomfortable. I am a Turk, I love and respect Turkishness 🇹🇷. I am planned, but unplanned good things make me happier. I am curious, I love to learn new things. I have always advocated, I still advocate, I will always advocate to research and integrate the most up-to-date technology into our lives, in spite of those who say “DON'T INVENT ANYTHING MEHMET”.

Maybe I have written everything about me, maybe this is not even a quarter of my life. You know me as well as I tell you.

As a Front-End Developer...

Once upon a time, once upon a time... Just kidding. I took my first step in my coding life by learning HTML & CSS. So Front-End Developer is my first love... In December 2014, I registered to a website by asking “how to open a free website” and since that day, code has been the center of my life.

At first, I learned HTML just to make a few simple changes. Then -God forbid- I learned CSS. At that time, I wanted to make the site dynamic and I tried to learn jQuery without learning Javascript. I could do what I wanted to do, even if it was difficult, but who am I, who is using the library without learning Javascript? :D

In the following period, I did something as a Mobile Application Developer. In this process, I broke away from Front-End Developer, until July 2022... I started learning React (previously Javascript), then I learned Tailwind CSS and added many repositories to GitHub. I tried to share my development process on LinkedIn. In March 2023, I started learning Next.js 🧡 with a sudden decision.

As a Mobile Application Developer...

The world of coding shouldn't just be about web design. That's why I started a research process. I asked the question of how can I create a product in the shortest way. Artificial intelligence? Robotic coding? Mobile application? For some reason, I was only thinking about these three in those days, but there were many more fields :) I continued on my way by choosing the mobile application from these options.

Java? Kotlin? React Native? Flutter? Swift? So many confusing questions. I tried Java, then Kotlin, then React Native. I didn't like any of them. It had to hook me because... My first love is Flutter 💜, the library of the Dart language. I love it very much, people around me know me as Flutter Mehmet :) I discovered Flutter in 2018 thanks to a teacher of mine, the beta version was released in those days. Then, as you know, courses from Udemy, sample projects... I did my first internship as a Flutter Developer, it gave me great experiences.

Desire to Learn New Things?


Yes, that's how energetic ⚡️ Life can be challenging sometimes, but I am always open to learning and trying new things. It makes me feel better about myself. I always want to move forward with a positive energy, because I know it will lead me to a better place.

A Challenging Education Life

Software Engineering

Horizontal T

Computer Engineering

Vertical T

Computer Programming

First Teaching

Horizontal T

Computer Programming

Second Teaching

I can say that my education journey is a bit complicated :) However, I finally started to study in the Software Engineering department, which was my dream.

In the first step, with a low score in the YKS, I won the Computer Programming program in the second education. Afterwards, I worked hard, studied and became one of the top 10% of the class (I think I even think I was first :D).

Then I switched to first education Computer Programming with in-house transfer. I prepared for DGS and ranked 780th.

Unfortunately, there was no Software Engineering quota that year... That's why I chose Computer Engineering. I couldn't study anything other than physics and math that year, but I still got a good average.

Thanks to this average, I made an internal transfer to the Software Engineering department. And finally, using all the opportunities offered by the state, I started to study in my dream department!

Remember, anything is possible as long as you want it!

Proud Corner


Bi Kodist is on Instagram!

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Bi Kodist

Bi Kodist

In 2019, I created an Instagram page to share the learning process of an ordinary coder. I share what I have learned and try to ensure that people can also learn. After all, I believe in the motto “learn while teaching”. I will continue to share as I find time and learn new things.

Follow too, let's learn together :)
