On the 12th day of July 2001, Mehmet, who was born to pursue and achieve his dreams, is me. I was born in Aksaray and I am a 3rd year student at Konya Technical University, Department of Software Engineering. Since I was too lazy to enter and update my age every year, I added an instant counter; I have been alive for .
Let me start with my hobbies and things I like to do; I love taking photos, researching new technology, learning new information, traveling and seeing new places. I love writing code, it's my job :) I am happy when I help someone, I am always trying to add knowledge to my knowledge and strength to my strength.
Let me talk about the aspects of myself that I have discovered. I am determined, when I start a job, I never leave it unfinished, if I leave it, I feel very uncomfortable. I am a Turk, I love and respect Turkishness 🇹🇷. I am planned, but unplanned good things make me happier. I am curious, I love to learn new things. I have always advocated, I still advocate, I will always advocate to research and integrate the most up-to-date technology into our lives, in spite of those who say “DON'T INVENT ANYTHING MEHMET”.
Maybe I have written everything about me, maybe this is not even a quarter of my life. You know me as well as I tell you.
As a Front-End Developer...
Once upon a time, once upon a time... Just kidding. I took my first step in my coding life by learning HTML & CSS. So Front-End Developer is my first love... In December 2014, I registered to a website by asking “how to open a free website” and since that day, code has been the center of my life.
At first, I learned HTML just to make a few simple changes. Then -God forbid- I learned CSS. At that time, I wanted to make the site dynamic and I tried to learn jQuery without learning Javascript. I could do what I wanted to do, even if it was difficult, but who am I, who is using the library without learning Javascript? :D
In the following period, I did something as a Mobile Application Developer. In this process, I broke away from Front-End Developer, until July 2022... I started learning React (previously Javascript), then I learned Tailwind CSS and added many repositories to GitHub. I tried to share my development process on LinkedIn. In March 2023, I started learning Next.js 🧡 with a sudden decision.
As a Mobile Application Developer...
The world of coding shouldn't just be about web design. That's why I started a research process. I asked the question of how can I create a product in the shortest way. Artificial intelligence? Robotic coding? Mobile application? For some reason, I was only thinking about these three in those days, but there were many more fields :) I continued on my way by choosing the mobile application from these options.
Java? Kotlin? React Native? Flutter? Swift? So many confusing questions. I tried Java, then Kotlin, then React Native. I didn't like any of them. It had to hook me because... My first love is Flutter 💜, the library of the Dart language. I love it very much, people around me know me as Flutter Mehmet :) I discovered Flutter in 2018 thanks to a teacher of mine, the beta version was released in those days. Then, as you know, courses from Udemy, sample projects... I did my first internship as a Flutter Developer, it gave me great experiences.
Desire to Learn New Things?
Yes, that's how energetic ⚡️ Life can be challenging sometimes, but I am always open to learning and trying new things. It makes me feel better about myself. I always want to move forward with a positive energy, because I know it will lead me to a better place.
A Challenging Education Life
Software Engineering
Horizontal T
Computer Programming
Second Teaching
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Computer Engineering
Vertical T
Computer Programming
First Teaching
Software Engineering
Horizontal T
Computer Engineering
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Computer Programming
First Teaching
Horizontal T
Computer Programming
Second Teaching
I can say that my education journey is a bit complicated :) However, I finally started to study in the Software Engineering department, which was my dream.
In the first step, with a low score in the YKS, I won the Computer Programming program in the second education. Afterwards, I worked hard, studied and became one of the top 10% of the class (I think I even think I was first :D).
Then I switched to first education Computer Programming with in-house transfer. I prepared for DGS and ranked 780th.
Unfortunately, there was no Software Engineering quota that year... That's why I chose Computer Engineering. I couldn't study anything other than physics and math that year, but I still got a good average.
Thanks to this average, I made an internal transfer to the Software Engineering department. And finally, using all the opportunities offered by the state, I started to study in my dream department!
Remember, anything is possible as long as you want it!
Proud Corner
Bi Kodist is on Instagram!
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Bi Kodist
In 2019, I created an Instagram page to share the learning process of an ordinary coder. I share what I have learned and try to ensure that people can also learn. After all, I believe in the motto “learn while teaching”. I will continue to share as I find time and learn new things.
Follow too, let's learn together :)